9 Possible Reasons Why The Baby Hates Cribs

When the kids do not sleep well at night, the parents sometimes develop a variety of innovative ideas, ranging from changing the bed mattress to purchasing a new crib.

Some parents may be unaware that their child’s unwillingness to sleep well at nighttime has nothing to do with their mattress or crib.

You are not the only one if your baby used to take naps like a dream in the crib but is now opposing, or if she hasn’t been a pleasant crib intruder from the start. It’s probably that your baby has to make a behavioural adjustment that they aren’t fully prepared for yet.

Thankfully, there are many options for reversing the pattern and getting your baby back into their crib and off to sleep.

So the parents must not be desperate in this situation, in this article we will explain the best possible reasons why the baby hates cribs.

Why is my kid refusing to sleep in his crib?

There may be a time that your kid is going through a gradual period if you notice new screams of frustration when you place her in the crib, and she doesn’t seem to want to stay or sleep there anymore. It is best possible that your newborn baby is not sleeping in the crib. She’s grown used to sleeping elsewhere.

Here are a few possibilities that may lead to this situation:

Baby is not used to it:

If your child has been residing and sleeping in your bed, and you are moving him to his bedroom, there might be some disturbances in your kids’ sleep cycle. He’s not used to the environment, and it’s unlikely to be as comfortable as his previous living quarters.

You will need to put in particular attempt to make his new bedroom feel comfortable and spend quality time there in the room during the day. The activities like Gaming, bedtime stories, music, and cuddling will help your baby feel comfortable there.

If the room is enjoyable to be in, your baby will love to spend time there. Just make sure the crib is set aside for sleeping.

Babies may have no idea how to sleep in it:

Newborns are used to sleeping in their mothers’ arms while breastfeeding or by a feed bottle in their mouths. Alternatively, you can put your baby in the bed when he has fallen asleep in your arms.

While this activity is acceptable for the first few months of a newborn’s life, until your child no longer requires feeding every couple of hours, you have to change these bedtime patterns. It isn’t always simple and easy for the baby, though.

Most kids build object permanence and begin to differentiate around faces about 6-7 months. When you leave the bedroom and place them in their crib, they know that you will return, which triggers separation anxiety.

They aren’t used to staying alone and are in desperate need of human interaction. As a result, they want to be with you for the sake of convenience.So is the case why your baby hates the crib.

It hurts their tummy:

It is a typical case, but some kids suffer from food allergies and stomach issues, making it just about unbearable for them to pass the time on their backs. Going to try to get a child to sleep in a crib while suffering from constant heartburn would almost certainly result in both of you crying.

If this is a problem for your child, he or she will need to sleep at an angle for up to a year. Since these babies have a hard time sleeping, I recommend using swings to hold them upright while they sleep.

Aches in the stomach:

Stomach acid reflux and colic are common in some infants. They can be extremely frustrated when you lie them on their backs. You can connect if you’ve ever had heartburn.

The Crib Is Entirely Too Big:

Cribs are massive frameworks to a bit of a child even though they don’t seem so significant to the parent. Remember that your child is probably used to deep sleep in your lap, in a baby carrier, or a swing. It can be discombobulating, frightening, and sterile to be put in what appears to be an endless and expansive space.

Growth and development spurts:

A rise in hunger can happen at any time of growth, but it is most common in fast-growing infants at the ages of mainly three weeks, six weeks, and three months. And an increased growth leads to the increased appetite of the baby than usual. It is one of the reasons why your baby hates cribs or can have disturbed sleep at night due to increased appetite.

The teething pain:

Teething can cause mouth soreness and pain in babies, usually at 3 or 4 months old. Although the first tooth usually comes not before then at least six months of kids’ age. Due to the teething pain, your kid may experience frustrations and disturbance during sleep, and you may consider that it is because your baby is scared of the crib.

Illness of the kid:

The baby’s sleep may be disturbed by cough, otic inflammation or infection, skin rashes, or other illness, and she can refuse to be placed in her crib.


You, as parents, maybe facing a situation when you invest your money to buy a crib for the comfort of your baby, but you are not satisfy with it because baby is not comfortable in the crib. There are so many possible reasons why your baby hates cribs and is not having a dream nursery after all the parents’ efforts.

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